1 John 5:4 - For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith.
Welcome to the Victory Christian Outreach Church website! Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing. It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to Victory Christian Outreach Church, where the spirit of love abides.
Thanks for taking the time to visit us here. We hope that you find this site useful in your search for information about our programs, staff, and facilities.
Victory is a place of Praise, Prayer and Power; a place where dedicated Christians express their faith in God. Beginning with babies and continuing throughout life, we offer Christian Education to all people. Active groups, projects, and social activities help to keep an active church body. In everything, we seek to introduce people to Jesus and help them get to know Him better. May God bless you as you find your place here!
Worship Schedule
- SUNDAY MORNING 9:30 AM Worship Service
- MONDAY EVENING INTERCESSORY PRAYER at 6:00 PM followed by Celebrate Recovery at 7:00 PM
- THURSDAY EVENING Praise & Worship Rehearsal at 7:00 PM
- FRIDAY EVENING I.P.C.U. (2nd and 4th weeks) at 7:00 PM
Senior Pastors

Catch our Radio Ministry with Apostles Dr. Lee & Doris Rice on Mondays mornings at 8:45 AM on KXEN 1010 AM in St. Louis Click Here to Listen Live